Enrich addresses with the current telephone number from the telephone directory, find addresses for the telephone number (reverse search) or confirm the existence of new customers.
The telephone directory has about 24 million entries from companies and private individuals in Germany. The focus is on landline numbers, but about 3 million mobile numbers are also entered.
Availability: Germany
- Choice between price per request and price per hit
- In the mass check we automatically determine the cheaper option for you
- Find relocations via reverse search and update addresses
- Add missing telephone numbers to the address list
- Refine data, confirm addresses, check existence of contacts
Technical information
Product key | PB (Price per request), PBT (Price per hit) |
Mandatory fields | lastname, street, hno, zip, city, county (optinal: firstname, phone). Optimally, supply all fields; for reverse search, country and phone are sufficient. |
Available countries | Germany |
Reference type | Mass check, web service API, single check (PB only), |
Next steps
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Detailed information
We match your data with those in our public telephone directory with approx. 24 million entries.
We search either the address and/or the telephone number as well as certain fragments incl. full text search. Included are company entries, mobile phone numbers and landline numbers of private households. For almost 96% of all entries, the address is completely filled in (postcode, town, street and telephone).
You can use it to enrich telephone numbers in your database, find addresses for telephone numbers (reverse search) or even find new addresses after a move, provided the subscriber has published his or her complete address in the telephone book.
The special thing about this product is that you can choose whether you want to pay on a per-hit basis or per enquiry: If you pay per hit, we only charge the credits according to the price scale if we have found a reliable entry. No hits, no costs for you. This makes sense if you have a young target group with a high proportion of mobile numbers. These are usually not listed in the telephone directory.
The variant "costs per enquiry" is more favourable for you if your target group has an affinity with the telephone directory. Usually these are somewhat older people with a landline.
Examples of use:
- You have a customer address with a telephone number, but the number is no longer valid. But only your customer service or call centre notices this. The customer service representative has spent a few seconds waiting, the dialer gives everything for a "No connection under this number". Now, of course, you can manually search on www.dastelefonbuch.de and, if found, transfer the phone number into your system. Or you can do it automatically with us.
Your customer has moved, but has not informed you. That happens sometimes, with an average of 10% relocations in Germany per year. However, 90% of those who move take their telephone number with them, because they move within the area code range (that's Telekom German: Ortsnetzkennzahl or ONKZ or Vorwahl). So you have a realistic chance of finding the new address via the telephone number in our directory. However, this is only the case if the subscriber has not objected to the reverse search. In this case, we can only confirm the telephone number, but cannot release any address or name data. - Perhaps you don't want to take any data from the telephone directory at all, but just want to have the existence of a company or person confirmed? That is possible. We will be happy to build this product for you on request. Without development costs for you and at a lower query price.
Do it better, do it fully automated and online, whether by single check, Api interface or mass check with Excel/CSV files: Do it with us!