Free interface to the European Commission. Checks the VAT identification number (VATIN) for validity. When using our extended version (VATIDX), the company name and address of the companies are reported back for many countries.
Availability: All Member States of the European Union
- Checks company addresses for valid VAT ID number.
- Checks whether VAT ID number and company match
- free additional service from Adresslabor
Please note that the European Commission server is only theoretically available 24 hours/day. In practice, there are occasional outages over which we have no control.
Detailed information
This service is particularly interesting for B2B transactions. We provide you with an interface to the European Commission with which you can check the VAT identification number. The European Commission calls this the "VAT Information Exchange System".
The highlight is that not only is the check digit and syntax checked, but - in our extended version VATIDX - the company name and address are also returned. Unfortunately, this is not the case for Germany, but for most other countries. Below are a few examples for testing.
And best of all: You get this check free of charge!!! Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that the server of the European Commission is always available. That is not in our hands.
The VAT identification numberThis number is particularly interesting for entrepreneurs who offer or purchase their goods and/or services across European national borders. The VAT identification number (USt-IDNr.) is issued on application by the Federal Central Tax Office on the basis of the legal provisions of § 27a UStG. It enables a VAT payer to be unambiguously identified and is used within the European Single Market for the settlement of accrued VAT by the tax offices. This is to ensure taxation of intra-Community acquisitions.
To test it, simply register with Adresslabor free of charge and without obligation and try it out with the starting credit of 1,000 credits. You are under no obligation whatsoever.
Since this is a European topic, here are the appropriate search terms for some countries, in case you want to do some googling yourself:
VAT ID (value added tax identification number)
ID TVA (Numéro d'identification TVA)
IVA (número de identificación a efectos del IVA)
P.IVA (numero di partita IVA)
Do it better, do it fully automated and online, whether by single check or Api interface: Do it with us!
Here are some test cases from various EU countries such as
Austria (AT), Belgium (BE), Germany (DE), Denmark (DK), Finland (FI), France (FR), Ireland (IE), Italy (IT), United Kingdom (GB), Greece (EL), Spain (ES), Luxembourg (LU), Netherlands (NL), Poland (PL), Portugal (PT), Sweden (SE)
AT U63224727, BE471833041, BE 0471833041, BE 047 653 2096, DE282183831, DE28 760 477 8
DE 2298 77904, DK13585628, dk 135 856 28, DK16947989, EL998537832, EL 094327684, EL94327684
ES B 63879597, ES B28318236, ES B63618474, ES J-61863718, ES - F20096525, FI02012566
FR22424761419, FR 02 500 481 908, GB613451470, GB 107 3280 00, GB 766 8008 04
IE 9950 958B, IE 2251597K, IE 8/Y/93637V, IE 6693587J, IT 05813780961, IT 00634780985
IT 00100500214, Nl 8088 15 088 B01, NL.8099.44.686.B.01., NL 8038.72.987.B01, LU 16063074
LU 15894580, PL 945-216-57-21, PL 957 102 60 03, PL 873-28-98-418, PT 504308548, PT-510 728 189
SE 556052851401, SE 5566801444 01, SE-556510247101
Invalid :
ATU13585627, AT U 1358 5627, atu 518 328 06, FI13669598
PT 502019727, PT 509 303 498, PT 136695973, GB 524 3711 68 123
Syntactically OK :
Sl 21649405, Sl 45063575, Sl 56494416